Wichit Sirichote, kswichit@kmitl.ac.th
About the Software. The JRunner ™ software driver is developed to configure Intel ® SRAM-based programmable logic devices (PLDs) in JTAG mode for embedded configurations. You can customize the modular souce code's I/O control routines (provided as separate files) for your system. Let's figure out how we can use the J-R Programmer in Windows 10 even though Windows 10 doesn't like the unsigned drivers. Downloads. My Spektrum. Downloads Transmitters: Spektrum DXe; Spektrum Airware™ Transmitter Updates; Receivers: Spektrum AR636; Spektrum AR6335.
. updated firmware for 89S51 and 89S52!Introduction
If you need more code spacefor your application, particularly for developing 89Cxx projects with Clanguage, the Easy-Downloader V2.0 is the answer. It's suitable and cheapwhich anyone can build easily. This version is capable of writing intel-HEXfile to a 89C51(4kB), 89C52(8kB) and 89C55(20kB). After compiling the sourcefile in Assembly or C then download the hex file to the chip directly byusing A:>ez2 myfirst(.hex), say.Hardware
Figure 1 shows the circuit diagramof Easy-Downloader V2.0. The 89C51 with ez52.hex receives a 9600 baud serialdata from PC and generates the appropriated signal applying to the ZIFsocket. P0 is for bi-directional data transferring. P1 provides A0-A7,P2.0-P2.6 for A8-A14. Look at A14, our software uses P2.6, while ATMELuses P3.0 instead. Programming mode selection is done by P3.4 to P3.7.See in ez52.c for details. The programming voltage shown a bit differentfrom version 1.1, Vpp pin needs only +5V and +12V and simply activatedby P3.3. The clock input pin X1 of the ZIF socket is derived from X2 withoutbuffering. I have tested, no problem so far.Constructing the Board
The prototype board may be builtusing universal PCB with point-to-point soldering. If you want to makea PCB, get the ez2.pcb,open with Protel version 2.73. The components placement is shown in Figure2.For those who can make thePCB with PDF file, get this file ez2pcb.pdf
Figure 2: Components Placement Layout
ez52.hexis the hex file firmware needed for 89C51. Use a given programmer or availableEasy-Downloader write the hex file into the 89C51. An alternative is touse 89S8252 chip, build a simple SPIdownloader through LPT port. The preprogrammed 89S8252 with ez52.hexcan be used in place of 89C51.ez52.cis the source program written in C language for further modification. Torecompile, it needs Micro-C for 8051 compiler from DunfieldDevelopment System.
ez2.zip is the dos version program that runs on PC sending the hex code to the Easy-Downloader board.
Note: EZ2 dos version can use only with old PC, 386 or 486 machine.
Example of using ez2 is shownin Figure 3.
Figure3: Example of Using ez2, DOS version Uploader
DownloadEZUploader V3.1 for Window This is beta test EZ3.1 Uploader,with additional READ and SAVE AS features. The HEX code resided in thechips can be read and save as an Intel HEX file.
Easy II Links
- Download Now ezdl4 !!New PC software for Easy-Downloader V1.1 and V2.0. No problem with unsorted hex file. Automatically detect COM Port and programmer board.
- Using Easy-Downloader V1.1&V2.0 with Unsorted HEX FilesKurnia Wijaya from Jakarta Indonesia helps me writing the program that sorts the intel hex file generated by some compilers.
- EasyPROG : Modified version of Easy-Downloader made by Francisco Barbosa
- Simple RS232C Level Converter using Transistors Replace DS275 with this cheap circuit.
- Jan 7, 2004 beta version firmware for Integrated Circuit Solution IS89C51A, IS89C52A source code, ez52ics.c , hex file, ez52ics.hex(not recommended for new design)
- Nov 1, 2004 beta version firmware for 89S51, 89S52 new series flash MCU. The new firmware enables Easy downloader V2.0 to program both 89Cxx and 89Sxx. The signature checking was removed, user must know the size of code for a given chip, e.g. 89x51 has 4096 bytes and 89x52 8192 bytes!
Since the new S series needs more bit for mode setting. So you have to move signal from pin 14 to pin 13 as shown above.
Download source code and intel hex file: EZ52ss.cez52.hex(both files were updated Sep 13, 2004, extend the erasing pulse lenght and may need power cycling if verify failed) Please report your testing.
Contribution to Easy-Downloader V2.0- Runner51The programmer board based on Easy 2, Orcad V7 DSN and PCB files made by Fernando Ballesteros from Argentina.
- ISP51 In System Programmer for flash microcontroller made by Taufik IR.
- Adapter board for 89Cxx51 and modified firmware using sdcc made by Nguyen Hoai Nam from Vietnam.
Newer PC, or laptop computer may not provides the COM port, instead it has the USB port as a standard serial port. I found a cheap adapter, the FTDI232 USB-COM port converter. The adapter uses FT232RL chip. The adapter provides 6-pins connector. To interface it to the Easy-downloader, we needs only three pins, i.e. TXD, RXD, and GND. The chip itself powered by +5V from USB port.
Source code for sdcc
Download the source code, ez52s.c , hex file, ez52s.hex and the compiler, SDCC.zipNew firmware is designed for using with EZDL4.
Updated Firmware
As shown in above photo, we remove the DS275, RS232 transceiver, and provide the 6-pin SIP socket to connect the FTDI232 serial adapter.
Connecting to the master chip serial port is simple.TXD
(pin 11 of the 8051) ------------------ RX(pin 5)
RXD (pin 10 of the 8051)-------------------TX(pin 4)
GND( pin 20 of the 8051)------------------GND (pin 1)
When connecting the adapter to the USB port, the Windows will find the driver automatically. We can install the driver called VCP (Virtual COM port) manually. The VCP driver for FTDI chip can get from the FTDI directly. The PC will recognize the connected USB port as the COM port.
I'm thinking to add the FTDI chip to the Easy-downloader finally. Have a look the new Easy-downloader with USB interface!
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IPBOX V2 Ver 1.4 news:
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USB drive file for IP-BOX V2
News for Monday 18 July, 2016
Jr Programmer Drivers Windows 10
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