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Rest assured, your new Surface will work great with your iPhone and favorite apps including iTunes and iCloud. Computers, and the memories you keep on them, are incredibly personal. The applications available for Mac users and the specific features included may be different from those available for PC users. With Microsoft 365, you can be flexible. With your account, you are not limited to exclusively Mac or exclusively PC, so you can transition across devices. Microsoft is unveiling big changes to Office 365, starting with a new name: Microsoft 365. The power of A.i, is at the heart of the changes being implemented. Microsoft 365 provides the productivity tools required by enterprises. This guide covers key details about Microsoft 365, including available Office applications, system requirements, and pricing. Mac users now have three ways to get hold of Office 365: Online directly from Microsoft, in a retail package, or directly from Apple’s Mac App Store. You can purchase the complete Office 365.
Rest assured, your new Surface will work great with your iPhone and favorite apps including iTunes and iCloud.
Computers, and the memories you keep on them, are incredibly personal. We know that moving your things and learning new software can be nerve-racking, and we’re here to help you through it.
Install Microsoft 365 On Mac
Using Surface with iPhone, iCloud, and iTunes
Your new Surface will work great with your iPhone, music, and apps.
Install Office 365 On Mac
Move photos, files, and mail from Mac to Surface
Feel confident that everything you need is on your new Surface.
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