Recipe Costing Software

Whether you are running a restaurant or just want to find out how much it costs to prepare a dish, the Recipe Cost Calculator will help you to do just this. The template can calculate cost of the main and additional ingredients used in preparation of your dish along with the actual cost of preparation, such as labour cost or cost of the utilities.

Choosing Recipe Costing Software and get two systems that includes a full back office costing suite with an integrated point of sale native to our platform. These means you pay once and not multiple times to integrate third party software. Recipe costing, scaling and pricing. All your recipes in one place, where you can cost, price, and scale them, and instantly see the effect of recipe changes on your bottom line. Then use those recipes to create your forecasts or events, and automatically get prep lists with the exact quantities you need. APICBASE Food Management. APICBASE is a software business formed in 2014 in.

Preparation of almost any product involves use of other products, materials and physical labour, calculation of which is absolutely vital, especially if you preparing it with purpose of gaining profit. Knowledge of true cost of your product is in direct correlation with success of business.

Calculating Cost of Dishes

Calculating cost of the dishes on the menu is a must for every restaurants, that are serious about making profit. Costing dishes of menu can help in achieving certain sales goals and in fact helps to minimise costs. Effective food cost control allows managers to establish correct and competitive sale prices, allows to achieve better profit targets for every individual dish as well as entire menu, establish certain dishes for daily special menu, but most importantly will help to identify items and ingredients that can contribute to generating desired profits.

Recipe Cost Calculator

Recipe Costing Software Free

for Excel® 2003+, OpenOffice & Google Docs
Microsoft Excel® 2003 or Higher (PC & Mac)
  1. Apicbase food costing software auto-updates all the recipe and menu costings with the most recent ingredient prices. Updating spreadsheets is one more arduous task you can cross off your todo-list.
  2. Galley builds the leading software solutions platform for progressive food organizations, ghost restaurants, and disruptive food programs with features like recipe costing, menu planning, inventory.
Recipe costing software freeRecipe Costing Software
Not Required
User License Agreement


Recipe Cost Calculator is intended for providing help in preparation of the accurate cost for any dish of the menu.

You can calculate the cost of your dish by adding all primary and secondary ingredients, then add cost of preparation and utilities. You can also update spreadsheet with image of your dish and add a short description or instruction of preparation and allergies to create printable recipe specifications cards, which you can keep in your food specifications folder.

Spreadsheet can also help to determine profitability of your recipe, calculate the cost and profit margins of the single dish that helps to achieve certain cost targets and maximise profits.

We have added a simple switch between the imperial units of measure and metric units to the updated version of the recipe cost calculator, which gives you more options to use it with units of measure appropriate for your country.

Recipe Costing and Menu Management- reciProfity helps you make and save more by pricing your menu accurately

Want to see reciProfity in action? Watch our videos


There’s no comparison when considering reciProfity food costing software , it does it all for total menu management: recipe costing, menu engineering, food and liquor costing, inventory control, nutrition, sales management, interfaces with suppliers, POS, accounting and catering systems.

reciProfity food costing software instantly costs and re-calculates recipes and menus and stores them in the cloud for secure and easy access. Learn more about why you should bring your business to the cloud.


reciProfity’s built in Pricing Grid is your automatic food cost calculator. Your ideal recipe and menu cost is optimized because reciProfity suggests selling prices based on global and category targets.

For any type of food service, restaurants, breweries, retail prepared foods, ghost kitchens, commissary and production kitchens.

Take us for a spin with our Free Trial

reciProfity calculates shrinkage (or loss) by major food group, smaller groups, and even by the actual item. ‘Alert’ reports show usage and shrinkage sorted by dollar amounts. Every saved dollar goes directly to your “bottom line.”

Best Recipe Costing Software

Recipe costing software programs

But you can’t calculate your food cost accurately if you don’t take ingredient yields and shrinkage and preps into consideration. That’s where reciProfity works magic with the built in Book of Yields.

Try our Free Trial

Then keep an eye on your vendors by importing invoices and order guides. We alert you immediately to any price creep in both ingredients and recipes.

Recipe Costing Mastery

Everything you need to control your recipe costing and expose areas for earnings and savings, including:

  • Create and maintain recipes and inventory items
  • Recipe costing
  • Update inventory prices
  • Import vendor order guides
  • USDA National Nutrient Database Release 28
  • 2017 Nutritional labeling
  • Book of Yields integration for conversions and yields

Reporting includes: Recipe Pricing Analyzer, recipe and ingredient Price Creep and Where Used.

Inventory Management Witchcraft

Our Ingredient Management solutions will take the toil and trouble out of your food costing management, including:

  • Take counts
  • Create Purchase Orders
  • Enter invoices (upload from Sysco, GFS and USF or spreadsheets, from a PO or enter manually)
  • Requisitions both manual and from recipes or menus
  • Waste Tracking
  • Maintain accurate on hand and inventory valuation.
  • Shopping Cart Managing purchasing is essential for cost controls. reciProfity’s Shopping Cart manages the essential ‘front end’ of your purchasing cycle from selecting items to automatically creating purchase orders. Here are some highlights:
    • Add items by name and/or vendor code
    • Shopping Cart is available from any screen as a pop-up so you can easily adjust orders as needs change
    • Instant warning if there’s a cheaper product
    • Menu selection for choosing an alternate (cheaper or preferred) product
    • One click creates PO’s for ALL your vendors from the single Shopping Cart
    • PO’s are ready for processing (send to vendors, convert to invoices, etc.)

Selling Like There’s No Tomorrow

We’re dedicated to finding ways to help you automate processes and focus on what you care about most, including:

Recipe Costing Software Excel

  • Import sales data from your POS (we can import from ANY POS that exports a sales mix or “grind” file with a PLU, number sold and optional dollars sold).
  • Deplete inventory based on sales
  • Integrating with your POS to track sales as it applies to inventory usage helps pinpoint waste or theft by tracking your inventory usage. If you don’t see your POS system on our long list just let us know and we’ll create one for you as long as you can get us your data!
  • Create a Sales Mix report
  • Report on Variance
  • Winners and Losers

And if you have a multi-unit operation we have Transfers and Recipe Share. Check it out.


The Scheduler

You know how easy it is to forget details; even your calmest day is busy and filled with surprises. The scheduler insures that things get done!

You can set a wide range of scheduling parameters, and send out alerts when a schedule has completed . There are rights that you can assign, so it’s easy to manage who can create a schedule and the alerts.

  • Schedule tasks for each of the following functions: Recipe Share, Plate IQ invoices, POS Import, and Reporting Export. Let reciProfity run these functions at a pre-set time ( morning, evening, overnight) so you can set it and forget it! Task Manager will keep you alerted to scheduled runs, upcoming and completed.

Schedule tasks for a one time run, or daily, weekly or monthly on specific days. Run morning, afternoon or overnight.

Task Manager lets you know when tasks have been completed and which ones are upcoming

Reporting Interface

Many of our users have external reporting systems (either customized or Excel based) that provide enhanced or consolidated analytics.

It’s very time consuming to load reciProfity data manually. This interface solves that problem: key reciProfity reports are created and pushed to a zip file on your selected FTP site;
this can be optionally scheduled. Reports include:

  • Inventory Creep
  • Recipe Creep
  • Inventory On-hand
  • Invoice Journal
  • Variance

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