Microsoft Word Unicode Character Codes

Microsoft Standard English (United States 101) Keyboard

  1. Microsoft Word Unicode Character Codes Code
  2. How To Type Unicode Characters
  3. What Is A Unicode Character
  1. ALT Codes for Math Symbols: Vulgar Fractions Below is the complete list of Windows ALT Codes for Math Symbols: Vulgar Fractions, their corresponding HTML entity numeric character references, and when available, their corresponding HTML entity named character references, and Unicode code points.
  2. ∟ Using Microsoft Word as a Unicode Text Editor This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on using Microsoft Word as a Unicode text editor. Topics including opening Unicode text files in 3 encodings: UTF-8, UTF-16BE, and UTF-16LE; saving and opening Unicode text files with the BOM character prepended.

In Microsoft Word you can insert Unicode characters by typing the hex value of the character then typing Alt-x. You can also see the Unicode value of a character by placing the cursor immediately after the character and pressing Alt-x. This also works in applications that use the Windows rich edit control such as WordPad and Outlook. Most fonts do NOT have all the Unicode characters, after all, there are over 133,000 of them. There are far too many characters so most fonts only have a select ranges of fonts. Some Microsoft supplied fonts have a lot of the Unicode symbols. If you’re looking for something unusual then check out: Arial Unicode MS; Lucida Sans Unicode; Segoe UI. Of Unicode charactersWhat is Unicode? Unicode character tableWhat is Unicode?

Typing International & Special Characters using the <Alt> key and the right-side numeric keypad.
<Num Lock>key must be on!

NOTE* Not all characters are available in all font faces or in all browsers – the following table is based on the Times-New RomanorArial font face and Internet Explorer v5.5. Consult the Microsoft Character Map to see what special characters are available for different fonts on your system. These special characters also work with the Microsoft English US-International keyboard.

Press and hold the <ALT> key while typing the numbers shown to make the special characters:
Alt 0128Euro currency symbolAlt 0195ÃA tilde
Alt 0131ƒFlorin, Guilder or Gulden Alt 0196ÄA umlaut
Alt 142
Alt 0132Base line double quoteAlt 0197ÅA ring
Alt 143
Alt 0133EllipsisAlt 0198ÆAE ligature
Alt 146
Alt 0134DaggerAlt 0199ÇC cedilla
Alt 128
Alt 0135Double DaggerAlt 0200ÈE grave
Alt 0136ˆCircumflexAlt 0201ÉE acute
Alt 144
Alt 0137PermilleAlt 0202ÊE circumflex
Alt 0138ŠS caron (hacek)Alt 0203ËE umlaut
Alt 0139Left single guillemetAlt 0204 ÌI grave
Alt 0140ŒOE ligatureAlt 0205ÍI acute
Alt 0142ŽZ caron (hacek)Alt 0206ÎI circumflex
Alt 0145Left single quoteAlt 0207ÏI umlaut
Alt 0146Right single quoteAlt 0208ÐCapital Eth
Alt 0147Left double quoteAlt 0209ÑN tilde
Alt 165
Alt 0148Right double quoteAlt 0210ÒO grave
Alt 0149BulletAlt 0211ÓO acute
Alt 0150En dashAlt 0212ÔO circumflex
Alt 0151Em dashAlt 0213ÕO tilde
Alt 0152˜TildeAlt 0214ÖO umlaut
Alt 153
Alt 0153TrademarkAlt 0215×Multiply sign
Alt 0154šs caron (hacek)Alt 0216ØO slash
Alt 0155Right single guillemetAlt 0217ÙU grave
Alt 0156œoe ligatureAlt 0218ÚU acute
Alt 0158žz caron (hacek) LINKAlt 0219ÛU circumflex
Alt 0159ŸY umlautAlt 0220ÜU umlaut
Alt 154
Alt 0161¡Inverted exclamationAlt 0222ÞCapital thorn
Alt 173
Alt 0162¢CentAlt 0223ßEsszet
Alt 155Alt 225(sz ligature)
(sharp “s”) LINK
Alt 0163£Pound sterlingAlt 0224àa grave
Alt 156Alt 133
Alt 0164¤CurrencyAlt 0225áa acute
Alt 160
Alt 0165¥YenAlt 0226âa circumflex
Alt 157Alt 131
Alt 0166¦Broken vertical barAlt 0227ãa tilde
Alt 0167§Section signAlt 0228äa umlaut
Alt 132
Alt 0168¨Umlaut (dieresis)Alt 0229åa ring
Alt 134
Alt 0169©CopyrightAlt 0230æae ligature
Alt 145
Alt 0170ªFeminine ordinalAlt 0231çc cedilla
Alt 166Alt 135
Alt 0171«Left guillemetAlt 0232èe grave
Alt 174Alt 138
Alt 0172¬Logical Not signAlt 0233ée acute
Alt 170Alt 130
Alt 0173Soft hyphen (html: ­)Alt 0234êe circumflex
Alt 136
Alt 0174®Registered trademarkAlt 0235ëe umlaut
Alt 137
Alt 0175¯MacronAlt 0236ìi grave
Alt 141
Alt 0176°Degree signAlt 0237íi acute
Alt 248Alt 161
Alt 0177±Plus or minusAlt 0238îi circumflex
Alt 241Alt 140
Alt 0178²Superscript 2Alt 0239ïi umlaut
Alt 253Alt 139
Alt 0179³Superscript 3Alt 0240ðSmall Eth
Alt 0180´Acute accentAlt 0241ñn tilde
Alt 164
Alt 0181µMu or microAlt 0242òo grave
Alt 230 Alt 149
Alt 0182Paragraph (pilcrow)Alt 0243óo acute
Alt 162
Alt 0183·Middle dotAlt 0244ôo circumflex
Alt 250Alt 147
Alt 0184¸Cedilla markAlt 0245õo tilde
Alt 0185¹Superscript 1Alt 0246öo umlaut
Alt 148
Alt 0186ºMasculine ordinalAlt 0247÷Division sign
Alt 167Alt 246
Alt 0187»Right guillemetAlt 0248øo slash
Alt 175
Alt 0188¼One quarterAlt 0249ùu grave
Alt 172Alt 151
Alt 0189½One halfAlt 0250úu acute
Alt 171Alt 163
Alt 0190¾Three quartersAlt 0251ûu circumflex
Alt 150
Alt 0191¿Inverted question markAlt 0252üu umlaut
Alt 168Alt 129
Alt 0192ÀA graveAlt 0253ýy acute
Alt 0193ÁA acuteAlt 0254þLower case thorn
Alt 0194ÂA circumflexAlt 0255ÿy umlaut
Alt 152

Inserting characters by using hexidecimal Unicode values

If you know the *Unicode (hexadecimal) value of any character, you can use the “ALT X” keyboard shortcut to enter the character directly in your document in some programs such as Microsoft Word. This is particularly useful for all special characters that are not included in the list above (such as the R-hacek Ř (0158 ALT X )). (You must press and HOLD DOWN the “ALT” key while pressing the X)

    1. Type the 4-digit Unicode (hexadecimal) value of the character, including the leading zero if applicable. (Optionally, the value string can also begin with U+)
    2. Press “ALT X” – this is the ALT key and the X key at the same time.
      Microsoft Word, Wordpad and some other applications will replace the string to the left of the insertion point with the character you specified.

Microsoft Word Unicode Character Codes Code

*(Unicode: A character encoding standard developed by the Unicode Consortium. By using more than one byte to represent each character, Unicode enables almost all of the written languages in the world to be represented by using a single character set.)
Unicode Character Table: Arabic

Many Other Unicode Character Tables Here

Microsoft Character Map

This is useful for the infrequent accent or symbol. It is located within Windows at Start – Programs – Accessories – Character Map (OR click Start, Run, and type Charmap). After choosing a font, double click the desired character(s), click on Copy, return to your document and paste.

Degree symbol is a super-scripted or raised small circle. It is commonly used to denote temperatures (as Celsius, Centigrade, Fahrenheit etc.) , angles, geographic coordinates (e.g. 37 °C temperature or 45° angle). In this tutorial, we will learn various methods of typing degree symbol in MS Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations and HTML webpages. We will also learn about the Unicode of degree symbol.

Type Degree Symbol in MS Word

There are several methods of typing degree symbol in MS Word. This symbol can either be typed with keyboard or inserted as a symbol. I would recommend that you learn the keyboard method because it works quick and save you time while working in MS Word.

Our tips on MS-Word make your life easier and increase your productivity at work.

Method 1:
The easiest method of typing degree symbol in MS Word is to use the key combination of Ctrl+Shift+@ and then press space bar. Following is the sequence of pressing keys to get degree symbol:

Microsoft Word Unicode Character Codes

How To Type Unicode Characters

  1. Press Ctrl and hold
  2. Press Shift and hold
  3. Press @
  4. Release Ctrl and Shift
  5. Press space bar

What Is A Unicode Character

Method 2:
You can also use the Alt key method to type this symbol. Press Alt, hold it down and then type 0176 on your Numeric Pad (also known as Numpad). Please note that you must type 0176 on Numpad and not on the regular number keys that run across the keyboard.

Method 3:
This method is called the Alt+x method. In this method you type the Unicode of the desired symbol and then press Alt+x to get it.

So, to type degree symbol, type 00B0 and then press Alt+x. Voila! the code 00B0 will be instantly replaced by a neat tiny degree symbol,

Caveat: With this method, however, you need to be a bit careful. Technically, there should not be any space between the number and degree symbol (i.e. 45° is correct but 45 ° is wrong). This lack of space may bring wrong results. For example, if you want to type 45°, you’ll type as below:


Now if you will press Alt+x, MS Word will decipher the whole 4500B0 as the Unicode and therefore it will not type the degree symbol.

The solution to this problem is that you give a space between 45 and the Unicode and once the degree symbol is typed, then you remove the space.

Method 4:
You can insert the degree symbol in your document from the extensive symbols list provided by MS word.

  1. Open MS Word document
  2. Place the cursor where you want to insert degree symbol
  3. Go to Insert tab and then Symbol option
  4. Click on More Symbols…
  5. Symbol box will come up. From Font dropdown select (normal text)
  6. Scroll down to locate the degree sign
  7. Double click on the degree sign to insert it.

Method 5:
You can use the AutoCorrect feature of MS Word. This feature allows you to set a key sequence for quickly inserting a symbol. For example, if you will type <o> , it will be automatically replaced with the degree symbol. Let’s see how to do this:

  1. Open the Symbol box and select degree symbol as per to steps given in previous method.
  2. After selecting the degree sign, click on the AutoCorrect… button. The AutoCorrect dialog box will appear.
  3. In the Replace box, type the key sequence that you would want to be automatically be replaced by degree symbol. In the image given below, I have typed <o>
  4. Click OK
  5. Now, in your MS Word document, whenever you’ll type <o> and press space, degree symbol will appear.

Setting AutoCorrect for typing degree symbol in MS Word.

Bonus tip: There may be a case when you really need to type just <o> in your document. In such a scenario, press backspace and MS Word will revert its automatic action.

If you have a blog or website, you would need the Unicode or HTML codes for degree sign.

  • Unicode for degree symbol is U+00B0
  • HTML code for degree symbol is &#176; or &deg;

There are separate symbols for degree Celsius and degree Fahrenheit:

  • Unicode for degree Celsius symbol () is U+2103. For this symbol, the HTML code is &#8451;
  • HTML code for degree Fahrenheit symbol () is U+2109. For this symbol, the HTML code is &#8457;

I hope this information was useful for you and now you will not have any problem in typing degree symbol. Lately, I have written a few articles on typing symbols (e.g. Indian rupee symbol, copyright symbol etc.)

Should you have any question regarding how to type degree symbol, please fee free to ask me through the comments section of this article. I will try my best to help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin!

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