Mail Pilot 3 0 – Task Oriented Email Client Job

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Planet Horde

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Mail Pilot 3 0 – Task Oriented Email Client Jobs

Here you will find a list of tutorials and code samples that demonstrate how you can extend the Teams developer platform capabilities by creating custom apps.


Getting started with Microsoft Learn

CapabilityLearn module
Tabs — embedded web experiencesCreate embedded web experiences with tabs for Microsoft Teams
Webhooks and connectorsConnect web services to Microsoft Teams with webhooks and Office 365 Connectors
Messaging extensionsTask-oriented interactions in Microsoft Teams with messaging extensions
Task modulesCollect input in Microsoft Teams with Task Modules
Conversational botsCreate interactive conversational bots for Microsoft Teams

Getting started with code samples

To download our samples from GitHub:

  1. Select one of the projects listed below and open the project in GitHub.
  2. Choose the Clone or download button and copy the URL
  3. Open a command prompt in the parent directory into which you want to install the sample project
  4. Run git clone <pasted url>

Mail Pilot 3 0 – Task Oriented Email Client Job Openings

For .NET/C# samples

Each of our .NET samples includes a Visual Studio solution file that can build the solution fully, including restoring the NuGet packages.

For Node.js samples

We provide a packages.json file that lists all required packages for a sample. Simply run npm install from the command line in your Node.js project directory to install the required packages. You're now ready to open the project in Visual Studio Code and start experimenting.

For other samples

Mail Pilot 3 0 – Task Oriented Email Client Job Description

As always, the project's README file should have more information on specific needs for specific samples.

Bots (using the v4 SDK)

Teams bot samples

For a fully working samples demonstrating some of this functionality, check out the Teams samples for Bot Framework

SampleDescription.NET CoreJavaScriptPython
Teams Conversation BotMessaging and conversation event handling.ViewViewView
Authentication with OAuthPromptAuthentication and basic messaging in Bot Framework v4.ViewViewView
Teams File UploadExchanging files with a bot in a one-to-one conversation.ViewViewView
Task ModuleDemonstrating how to retrieve a Task Module and values from cards in it, for a Messaging Extension.ViewViewView
Start new thread in a channelDemonstrating how to create a new thread in a channel.ViewViewView


Visit the Bot Framework Samples repository to view Microsoft Bot Framework v4 SDK task-focused samples for C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python.

Messaging Extensions (using the v4 SDK)

SampleDescription.NET CoreJavaScriptPython
Messaging extensions - searchMessaging Extension that accepts search requests and returns results.ViewViewView
Messaging extensions - actionMessaging Extension that accepts parameters and returns a card. Also, how to receive a forwarded message as a parameter in a Messaging Extension.ViewViewView
Messaging extensions - auth and configMessaging Extension that has a configuration page, accepts search requests and returns results after the user has signed in.ViewView
Messaging extensions - action previewDemonstrates how to create a Preview and Edit flow for a Messaging Extension.ViewViewView
Link unfurlingMessaging Extension that performs link unfurling.ViewViewView

Outgoing Webhooks

Outgoing Webhook for C#/.NETIllustrates how to create an Outgoing Webhook for Microsoft Teams in C#/.NET.
Outgoing Webhook for Node.jsIllustrates how to create a simple Outgoing Webhook for Microsoft Teams in ~50 lines of Node.js code.


Sample connector for Node.jsThis sample, written in Node.js, showcases how to build a connector for Microsoft Teams using GitHub as an example to generate connector notifications.
Sample connector for C#/.NETThis sample, written in C#, showcases how to build a connector for Microsoft Teams using a sample task list app as an example to generate connector notifications. This sample also shows how to implement the login functionality in the connector configuration page.

Graph API

Microsoft Graph API SamplesThese samples demonstrate using Microsoft Graph API calls to perform tasks such as querying teams and channels from a web service running outside Microsoft Teams.

Bot Framework SDK v3 samples

Sample bot for C#/.NETBot Framework v3 samples
Sample bot for Node.jsBot Framework v3 samples

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